
Factors affecting the molecular sieve catalyst Hang crushing strength

Jing and zeolite catalytic factors affect the mechanical strength of the lot. Their chemical composition determines the aggregate or cohesion within the crystal, i.e. tensile strength. It is the inherent strength of the product. Usually there is a rough relationship between the inorganic solids usually strength and hardness to their melting point. A low melting point with the body has a low strength and hardness, and high melting point by its high hardness and strength.
First, the product prepared by a different mountain. Surface contact points produce a different space structure, defects and grain powder room, etc. whip, which naturally also affect its mechanical strength.
Second. The mechanical strength of the product will occur in use changes, such as the reaction was adsorbed on the solid surface. Generally reduces its mechanical strength, which is - during the reaction to promote the catalytic cracking Xia Jing and ethanol dehydration molecular sieve to Factors. Further use of the time and temperature will affect its mechanical strength.
Hang crushing strength in the industry and the size of the zeolite catalytic Jing direct impact on their effectiveness in working conditions and life. If Hang crush strength is too small. It may break or powdering during use, which not only shortens the molecular cry, catalyst life. But also lead to uneven distribution of sulfur donors, blocking game system to increase bed resistance, Estrogen can cause severe security risk and even forced to stop.

